Surgery is a very personal decision, and it is always up to you. Being involved in the planning process is an important part of your entire journey
It is important that you take care of your health, your body, and your choices leading up to and following surgery.
The decision to undergo plastic surgery must be made with the understanding that surgery takes time and requires adequate recovery. You should also be realistic about your expectation, as your results cannot be the same as someone else’s.
Some plastic surgery can be dangerous and complicated and smoking and existing medical conditions increase your chances of complications. You can expect pain, swelling, and bruising to the skin and surrounding tissues so you will need to give your body time to heal from any kind of plastic surgery procedure.
A positive outcome for you is only possible if you are educated before you have plastic surgery. Dr Hertess, along with her support staff, will educate you as best they can about your surgical procedure.
Our plastic surgeon, as well as all staff, guarantee confidentiality, respect, privacy, and discretion. Talking honestly with your surgeon about all areas of the surgery, including past surgeries, anaesthetics, and other medical issues will help ensure a favourable recovery.
You should have a complete understanding of the current medications you will need to stop before your surgery. Some medications can have an adverse effect on your surgery.
Contact us today to book a confidential consultation with Dr Hertess Plastic Surgery.
We want our patients to feel as comfortable as possible during their treatment and recovery. You should be aware that your normal life will be disrupted for some time following surgery. Protective measures must be taken in order to ensure a quick and positive recovery.
To ensure that you are ready for your journey, ask the following questions prior to treatment or recovery.
Did I carefully read the consent form?
What do I need to know about my surgery?
Have I had a consultation with my surgeon?
Is my surgeon able to inform me about my options, risks, and potential complications?
Do I have all the information I require?
Are all forms and paperwork completed by the hospital?
Do I need a general anaesthetic or a local one?
Do I require post-operative support garments?
Do I know where my surgery will take place?
Do I know how long I’ll be in the hospital?
Will I be able to drive after my operation?
Who will take care of me at home after my surgery?
Is my home ready for me after my surgery?
Do I know that it is important to rest, especially in the first ten days?
Do I know how to safely clean my wounds?
Do I know when my dressings/bandages can be removed?
Am I clear about the expectations of my new look?
Am I eating a balanced, healthy diet and drinking enough water?
Do I need to book a post-operative appointment? When?
Make an enquiry

Contact Number: (07) 5601 0492Email:
Ground Floor, 220 Ashmore Road, Benowa QLD 4217