photo assessment LP

1. Know You're a Good Candidate

Dr Hertess will assess your images to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for surgery. You’ll receive a professional opinion and a customised quote, so you can plan your next steps confidently, without any risk!

2. Skip the Wait

Forget the long wait times to see Dr. Hertess. With our Free Photo Assessment, you’ll get quicker access to our team of procedure consultants, allowing you to explore your options and make informed decisions faster.

3. Complimentary Consultation

Optionally, receive a detailed, expert information session from one of our experienced procedure consultants. This is your chance to get insights tailored to your needs, all at no cost!

Free Quote

Ready to explore your options for plastic surgery? Our Free Photo Assessment offers you a personalised, professional opinion—without the wait!

You can confidentially send in your images using this form, and Dr. Hertess will personally review them to suggest the best treatment plan for you.

*Please read below on how to properly take & submit images.


How to Take Your Images

For all photo assessments (breast, body & face), please follow these guidelines:

Front View: Stand straight with your arms by your side.
Side Views: Take one photo of each side, with your arms slightly raised.
45-Degree Angles: Capture two shots at a 45-degree angle from both the left and right sides.


Meet Dr Hertess

Dr. Hertess is a specialist plastic surgeon with over 25 years of experience in transforming the lives of women through expert care and precision.

Whether you’re considering breast surgery, body contouring, or skin cancer treatment, Dr. Hertess combines her extensive expertise with a compassionate approach to deliver results that you love.

Get Your Free Photo Assessment Today!

Don’t wait to discover the best path for your plastic surgery journey. Our free photo assessment gives you a head start with a professional evaluation and a personalised treatment plan—without any cost or commitment.

Why wait? Start now and get the expert advice you need to make informed decisions about your procedure.